Monday 22 April 2024

folklore fail

she had become a splendid goddess of the sea according to the folklore. tell that to her brother her mother her father. her little dog. tell it to her lover whose heart was broken the day she drowned.


Sunday 21 April 2024

book review

Latest Review of Girl Without Borders

"I actually enjoyed the plot of this book. I had read a few reviews before reading it and saw that some people didn’t like the layout of the writing. I did enjoy it however the only issue I had was understanding when a person was talking as it wasn’t in speech marks but was in italics instead.
The plot was rather fun to read and easy to keep along with. I just struggled at times to understand it due to the writing style as stated before! However, it was often poetic to have the writing this way.

It was a great novel by a fascinating writer and I hope to read more works by this author in the future!!"

link to Georgia's review on Goodreads

pub crawl

to forget the trouble
to forget it all they 
shifted down into 
a pub crawl


Saturday 20 April 2024

terrible secret

the tractors
running on oil
manipulate the soil
5pm the workers head off
night falls
he buries the burlap sack
deep into the ground
with a folding WWII shovel
before CEMEX lays the
secret safe
4 now


Friday 19 April 2024


they got a lock on it

unwavering in the face of pressure and influence they did not self abandon

a peregrine falcon in a dive


Wednesday 17 April 2024

more more more




why do you always want more more more? she asked. can you never be content? he admitted it wasgreed ... but what else would I do with my time? scroll my phone endlessly with no purpose like you?