Thursday 27 September 2012

Just b4 midnight

And know the night if you will, stop your ritual sleep for a change, let your ritualism evolve and rearrange the composition of your waking hours presence...

Then watch what blossoms once you plant that seed in the ground of your fresh modified behavior  (not sponsored by kaiser fyi).

You may find yourself a lover of great opportunity in graveyard shift land... shifty shifters free to apply. Endless coffee all night. Sunrise there to greet you when you clock
                            the fuck

Sunday 23 September 2012

like sunlight hits your sunday

this might be a spiral, this moment in time. this moment with its long tail of bad bad news delivered up to the countryside wraparound porch monkeys,  eating bananas for the potassium required in a county known for an atmosphere which depleted the nutrients in the air to a level whereby the lungs took in more toxins and...  And nothing. I'm out