Thursday 28 January 2016


Readers of my book Maze have submitted some of their favorite quotes from the text. I thought I would share them, and thank you to those who shared them with me!

"When life is no longer a mystery, you’re history."

"God and the mayor had not paid a visit for a long time."

"burning against the streets beneath a careless sky drained of the deep blues of dawn."

"while the Pakistani who worked the desk was spilling diatribe like a mattress cut open on the side of the road, sharing his dislike for us freely."

"I swear next time he blew a gasket I would find a special natural consequence to administer."

"a real megalomaniac or my name is Jung"

"If human consciousness was a flickering candle, Black knew how to play the wax so it was always in danger of being extinguished."

"We show loving kindness to allies, neutrality to strangers, and prayers for the ones get in our way."

"The Pakis had an immutable contract with Black, coerced by his oil slick off their narrow road of regulations, his power and trade, fronting with his fine threads and stature and sweet-talking manner of murderous things."

"that was me and Bless, the way we shuffled the whole deck of cards or drew from of the deck the numbers our numbers, the aces, the deuces you see, when one becomes two and two becomes three."

"Everyone knew (presumed) that those who ask for help are not truly in need, because those who are truly in need do not ask for help. The American ways were peculiar."

"Whatever nails I grew faced a life colliding with skin and pavement, denim and teeth."

"…if I had to guess my soft skin and the sugar juxtaposed against brick and mortar turned him on"

"Freddy had drawn, into the van for some sneaker chiropractics, pushers and hustlers and junkies and escorts, former husbands and wives and church-going people, please, can a sea change fall from the sky?"

Maze is available for your reading pleasure 
on Amazon @

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