Monday 4 November 2013

Excerpt #2. National Novel Month.

The work is going well. My word counts are a bit off, but the quality is more important than the quantity. I am writing a parallel piece every day about my 'process' of writing a novel this month, and those thoughts can be found @ K IS SILENT. My entries here all month, will be strictly excerpts of the actual novel I am attempting to write. I realize that excerpt #1 had all sorts of profanity in it, and so today's excerpt will be profanity-free. Enjoy!

K 'nanowrimo' 2013

"HE took me to a broken old tool shack in the heart of East Oakland, California. If you call it a heart. The beating center of clandestine criminal activity, pumping its black blood of underground decentralized mercenary trade out across the land. Stifling good-naturedness and choking civility and perpetrating chaos in any way possible, by any means necessary. A real triumph of the black market. A real home for the underground. A real perversion of faith. A real viral sickness of sociopathy and anti-establishment terror, murder and hidden power, blackmail and deception, betrayal and violence. "

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